Monday, September 13, 2010

Iheartfaces photo challenge:week 37 Vroom, vroom

This week's photo challenge on Iheartfaces is Vroom, vroom...a photo showing a face and some form of transportation.  My husband's favorite form of transportation is flying a Cobra, AH-1.  He is truly living his dream of being a pilot, and feels blessed to have such a great job that he LOVES.  Here is a pic that somebody took while he was on deployment  in Iraq.  The quality of the picture is poor, b/c nobody had good cameras over there, but I had fun playing around with different actions and textures on this picture.

Snapshot 2009-07-11 12-52-24sevboost

My guy is in the middle, and forgive the mustaches....that is a right of passage during the first deployment....they all grow them....GROSS!  Check out the other entries here!  I have learned alot from visiting other peoples sites!


Helen said...

I totally was wondering what was up with the mustaches! Too funny!

sdgphoto said...

I think this is a wonderful picture even with their "right of passage" mustaches! How proud you must be of your husband to serve his country! Telling him "thanks" doesn't seem like enough, but please tell him anyway.

Tasha said...

My husband is a FF and they do their weird mustache things sometimes too and it GROSSES me out too! Great pic! Tell your hubby Thanks so Much for his service!

Tori said...

I love this image... and the mustaches ~LOL! I agree with the second poster, thank you just doesn't seem like enough.

Jodi R. said...


Tiffany Franklin said...

great photo! thanks for stopping by! follow if you like!

Mama Monkey said...

That cracks me I'll have to go back and search for my post with my DH's mustache (they grew them right before their deployment too!)