Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Last Few Weeks...

Gracie and Emma: Best Friends

It has been a crazy last few weeks! Sorry, I haven't posted more.....The weather is getting so nice here, it is really cool in the mornings and evenings and warms up during the day! We have still been going to the park tues, wed, and friday and the girls love it. I put Emma in the swing for the first time last week, and she loved it...laughed the whole time! I'll try to remember to take pictures! :)

We have had a lot of fun, Gracie loves to "cook" with Mama, especially baking, because I let her pour all the ingredients in...We have been baking a lot lately, which isn't too good on my diet, but I have been trying to tweak recipes to make it more healthy.

Last Friday, we hosted a play date, and we had so much fun with all of our friends. There were kids everywhere, and Gracie did pretty good sharing her toys. All the kids had a great time, but were completely worn out by the end of the afternoon. Last Saturday we went to a "pig pickin" (North Carolina term), and we had some good barbecue. Our new pastor, Jason Brinker, was voted in last Sunday, and on Saturday we had a barbecue to meet him. It was super fun, and it included two Sunday school classes...the young marrieds and the old folks! They were all extremely nice and friendly, and this sweet older couple held Emma for 45 minutes while we ate and helped Gracie with her food! We are so excited about our new pastor, he is very charismatic, has a vision for the church, and will promote change in order to grow. He even preached in jeans....which I thought would be pretty scandalous for FBC!

Here are some pics from the last few weeks: Sweet Emma waking up from her nap

Emma loves to look at the window....she will constantly crawl across the room to peek out the window, and she stands there for a long time just watching. She's our little cat.

Gracie being silly. She has such an imagination...and loves to play pretend. Her favorite things this week are being a duck, bee, and butterfly.

Sweet Emma Claire lookin soooo cute! She absolutely loves her big sister!

Everybody has been asking for a picture of me, so here it is....I've lost 37.6 since joining weight watchers in December, and about 50 pounds from my highest pregnancy weight. I've gone from a size 16 to a size 8, the only down side is I need all new winter clothes!


Lauren said...

Bethany, way to go on the weight loss! That's so awesome! I lost 20 pounds in the past year, and it's truly a freeing experience. :) Time for a new wardrobe!

Belinda said...

You look amazing Beth! Because of your sucess I've decided to join weight watchers too! The girls are so cute and are getting sooo big! I hope to come out an visit sometime in the near future.Maybe in the spring or something. Go out and do some bargin shopping and reward your self for your progress! Love and miss all of you guys!

Gaffney said...

How is having to shop a problem? Hee hee. Just proves that Moms in the real world of no nannies, personal chefs, 8 hrs a day trainers can do it! The best part is that you are setting wonderful example of balanced nutrition and physical fitness for your girls. Well done!